Freedom School Syllabus

We are excited that you're interested in the Freedom School syllabus. Each semester, we create a new syllabus that integrates readings from critical studies frameworks (e.g. ethnic studies, gender studies, queer theory, etc.) related to health issues with community site visits in the East Bay. 

Our greatest lessons thus far have been the importance of pursuing these readings/activities in community with others. Creating dialogue helps to bounce these complicated ideas around and make tangible the change we seek to create within medicine and public health. We encourage you to implement this curriculum in your own community, whether at your own school/university, community, or even for personal enrichment. 

We're here to help you! Whether you need help finding local organization to do your own site visits or create your own unique syllabus, please reach out to us and we will do our best to help.

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Click here for the most current Freedom School syllabus.

Syllabi are updated each semester. Past versions are also available upon request. Please do not circulate without giving due credit or without permission.